Cancellations and Returns
If for any reason You wish to cancel Your Order with Us please send an e-mail to We can cancel the Order at any time so long as the Goods haven’t been dispatched.
If Your Order has been dispatched, you can inform us you would like to return the Goods within 14 days of receiving them. The Goods must be returned in their original, un-opened condition and sealed in their original packaging within a further 14 days of notifying us you’d like to do this. The costs of returning Goods to Us will be met by You. When We receive the Goods, we will authorise a refund. We will refund for the cost of the Goods only. We strongly advise recorded delivery as we will not issue a refund if the goods get lost or damage in transit.
The Goods will remain Your responsibility until they have been safely delivered to Us. We strongly advise that you insure the Goods and get proof of posting in case of loss or damage.
Return Address:
54 celandine way